April 22, 2010

I really should be packing.  I have to leave early tomorrow morning.  But seeing as how I barely have a week’s worth of clothes to pack, it shouldn’t take me that long.

I spent part of my day trying to deal with the McAfee update debacle that apparently crashed computers all over the country.  Of course, my problem is that I’m not in the country.  My university laptop crashed last night, and it wasn’t until I went in to the kabinet this morning and got online that I found out what happened.  I ended up having to spend time on the phone this afternoon (my afternoon – his morning) with someone from Sam’s IT department who had to try to talk me through fixing it.  Fortunately, he managed to get me back up and running.

I have been liberated from my car (although sometimes I miss her) and my cell phone (I usually forget that I have one here), but I have become more attached to my laptop.  It’s not just the ability to work at odd hours and keep up with email – it’s my phone and television too.  I don’t know what I’d do without it here.

In case anyone was wondering, I am feeling a little bit better. I went to the little drug store at the market to get some OTC cold medicine and some Tylenol.  I hadn’t brought much of that stuff with me because I figured I could just get what I needed here, if I needed it.  Turns out this place didn’t actually have any drugs.  Just vitamins, herbal teas, etc.  I had to go to the lekarna (pharmacy).  I told the pharmacist that I had a cold.  She said: And you want pills?  Um, no, just sympathy.  Yes, pills.  For the cold?  No, my knee.  Yes, for the cold!! So she gave me some sort of cold medicine, but she had never heard of Tylenol/acetaminophen.  Who knew?

Off to Germany…

One Response to “”

  1. Amber said

    Do you need me to ship you some drugs? I would not be able to live in a country that does not sell advil. Go over to Paris or London… they sell some REALLY good meds OTC.

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